Our phone numbers: +7 (812) 643-55-15 +7 (921) 915-58-92

“Perevod Russia” has huge experience in translation for enterprises and individuals. We offer high-quality translation into different languages for moderate prices.

Website translation

If your company is planning to enter the Russian market, you will undoubtedly need your website to be translated into Russian.

Our translation agency is always up for the job. We will translate website navigation and menu, create new web pages and edit the layout of existing ones, create and translate new website content. Apart from translators, we employ programmers, editors and web designers for such tasks.

If you need a web resource (website, online shop, internet forum, web portal) to be accurately translated into Russian, we are offering two solutions:

  • Normal website translation into Russian – this includes translating all text information on the site or only the information required. Menu elements and other navigation elements are translated as well. The translated text is then provided page by page or section by section in Microsoft Word format.
  • Turnkey translation – creating a complete Russian version of the existing or designed website. This service includes translating the text and navigation, creating website structure, translating keywords and meta tags (to promote a website in Russia).

We also provide the following additional services:

  1. Selecting keywords to promote your website in search engines.
  2. Registering the Russian version of your website in Russian directories to promote your resource.
  3. Search and analysis of competitors on the Russian market.