Our phone numbers: +7 (812) 643-55-15 +7 (921) 915-58-92

“Perevod Russia” has huge experience in translation for enterprises and individuals. We offer high-quality translation into different languages for moderate prices.

Services and prices

The cost of the written translation includes:

- work of the professional language translators

- verifying of the translation by the editor

- formatting in Word

* in some cases (difficult layout) extra charges (5-15%) are possible


For detailed information about our services and prices, please, do not hesitate to contact our managers via e-mail mail@perevod-russia.com or fill in the application form on our web site (поставить ссылку на “Заказать перевод”). You will receive answer in the nearest time!



From 100 euro per hour. Please, specify the detailed information by contacting our managers.


We provide the following discounts that depend on the volume of the translation 
Non-urgent translation over 50 pages 5%
Non-urgent translation over 100 pages10%
Non-urgent translation over 250 pages15%

The mentioned prices may differ depending on the complexity of the material, its theme, the amount of work, urgency of the translation or specific requirements of the client. Please, coordinate the final price with our manager by contacting us by phone or by filling in the application form on our website.