Our phone numbers: +7 (812) 643-55-15 +7 (921) 915-58-92

“Perevod Russia” has huge experience in translation for enterprises and individuals. We offer high-quality translation into different languages for moderate prices.

Payment methods

To pay for our translation services, you can choose a way of payment that is most convenient for you: cash or non-cash payment, post transfer, payment through various money remitters or by electronic money.

Ways of payment for private customers:

  • Payment through a money transfer system (for example, Western Union, Unistream, MoneyGram, Zolotaya korona, etc.). This way may be used for payments from other cities and countries. It is possible to pay in RUR, EURO and USD.
  • Payment by electronic money (for example, WebMoney, Moneybookers, Yandex.Money). It is possible to pay in RUR, EURO and USD. When paying with WebMoney, you should previously confirm our account in this system.
  • Cash payment in the office of our Translation Bureau;
  • Payment by receipt through a bank. If you choose this way of payment for our translation services, we will send you our payment order with the requisites of the bureau. You will be able to make the payment in any bank that accepts individual persons’ payments. It should be pointed out that bank has a commission accounting for 1% -10% of the sum.

Ways of payment for legal entities:

  • Payment by wire transfer. Conclusion of agreements on written translation, conclusion of agreements on subscription services. Payment is possible in RUR.
  • Cash payment through a courier.