Our phone numbers: +7 (812) 643-55-15 +7 (921) 915-58-92

“Perevod Russia” has huge experience in translation for enterprises and individuals. We offer high-quality translation into different languages for moderate prices.

Price calculator

Translation type:

to Russian

Normal (up to 7 pages per day)
Urgent (up to 12 pages per day)
Highly urgent (more than 12 pages per day)


*One page of translation is 1800 characters including spaces and punctuation. To get the way of calculation open the document in doc. / docx. format and access Tools – Statistics – Character count (with spaces). Divide the result by 1800.

**The service price is not final. Change in price is possible in the case of highly specialized texts. Discounts and other special offers are not included. For more detailed information please contact our managers or use the order form!